tokaj - A Taste full of Secrets


Environment and sustainability commitment of Tokaj-Hétszőlő

Tokaj-Hétszőlő Estate, founded in 1502, produces outstanding wines on a vineyard embeded in a marvelous landscape. It is our mission to preserve this land for the future generations so they can enjoy the high quality  Tokaj wines like our ancestors did centuries ago.


Our commitment in viticulture

  • Organic certification for the whole 55 ha of the estate since 2013 to improve the environment of the vineyard, our employees and our community
  • we set the goal to abandon copper use in a few years, which is actually lower than 2,5 kg/ha/year
  • as low as possible carbon emission by the purchase of machinery which meets highest eco standards
  • increasing biodiversity by the use of covercrops and the establishement of ecological islands for the local flora and fauna on the estate


Sustainability in the winery         

  • The organic certified wine making processes ensure the use of natural technologies and materials which are sustainable
  • Introduction of a constant monitoring system for carbon footprint
  • supply of material from partners with a strong and reliable environmental commitment and certifications ( FSC certificates, sustainability reports from the suppliers of cork, barrels and packaging)
  • Special importance for the reduction of bottle weights


Power, waste and water management

Our philosophy is to consume only what is needed and to follow the 4R rule:

  • Reuse: reuse what is reuseable ( packaging, palletts, cardboard, etc)
  • Recycle: cardboard, paper and plastic with contracted partners
  • reject: refraining from the use of raw materials unnecessarily in order to avoid generating waste.
  • reduce: reducing the volume and quantity of waste by improving technologies and the use of clean practices


Specific waste management partners treat all our hazardous and non hazardous waste which is not recyclable in compliance with EU and national rules.


Water is a necessary resource of appreciable environmental impact which is used in some of the activities of all wineries, especially cleaning.


Our measures to reduce water consumption :

  • All the rainwater is collected from the roofs of our buildings and is used for cleaning and phytosanitary treatments
  • constant monitoring of the water network to avoid the loss due to leakage
  • use of high pressure cleaning system to reduce water consumption
  • All waste water is treated by a local waste water managing plant close to the estate


In order to reduce our carbon foot print, only electricity is used during the wine making process. Solar panels will be set up and all the lighting was recently changed to LED technology.


General practices for sustainability at our estate

  • rules for less paper consumption during office and communication activity
  • exclusive use of recycled or FSC certified paper and cardboard
  • evaluation of carbon footprint during business trips
  • commitment to improving the social, economic and environmental well being of the community.
  • preference of local suppliers and resources to reduce carbon footprint because of transport
  • Support of sustainability objectives in our society
  • maintenance of healthy and fair employment


Gergely MAKAI

General Manager and Chief Wine Maker

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